Em ano pessoalmente difícil, foram (também) os sons destes projectos que me permitiram, muitas vezes…continuar. O critério é o mesmo de outros anos, o alfabético. Aqui fica, para registo de memória futura. Adeus 2011.
- Bon Iver | "Bon Iver, Bon Iver" ("Even with all the new tools on display, there's still the magic of twilight emanating from Bon Iver, Bon Iver. The difference is that now it feels more like sunrise than sunset(…)")
- Bonnie "Prince" Billy | "Wolfroy Goes to Town" ("God isn't listening, or else it's too late.")
- Girls | "Father, Son, Holy Ghost" ("Their music pilfers from the past without shame but also manages to sound like no one else.")
- James Blake | "James Blake" ("What Blake sacrifices in songcraft he makes up with graceful, often breathtaking atmospherics.")
- Marcelo Camelo | "Toque dela" ("Quase como uma experiência espiritual a audição das letras parece ser uma conversa íntima. O cantor sussurra letras com delicadeza, sem forçar emoção embora é possível que provoque muitas.")
- Oddisee | "Rock Creek Park" ("Oddisee proves why he’s such a celebrated producer, creating a slick record, which feels like a tremendous ode to summer, perfect days, easygoing ‘70s jams, and an iconic D.C. locale. It’s time to take a trip.")
- PJ Harvey | Let England Shake ("While Harvey has been known to make albums which are more likely to be admired than loved, this is assuredly one of the latter.")
- Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks | "Mirror Traffic" ("Coming in the right place at the right time, Mirror Traffictrades on the still vivid memories stoked by Pavement’s victory lap last year without getting so enamored with past triumphs to get bogged down in nostalgia")
- Submotion Orchestra | "Finest Hour" ("If you have even a passing interest in dubstep or avant-garde jazz, this intriguing debut suggests the group as one to keep an eye on.")
- The Antlers | "Burst apart" ("Burst Apart is the sadly smiling face of someone trying to look through the specters to find the bright spots.")